Happy 2011!
(prepare for longest post ever.)
I hope everyone had great holidays! I'd say my holiday break was one of the best, I was able to add on a few vacation days and see lots of friends and family! The first part of break I was busy crafting and making a gigantic mess in the living room - finishing up xmas gifts. {I dream about the day I'll have my own craft room/studio/office}
Jewelry boxes for my friend's two daughters, Emma and Mikalya (age 5 & 7)
(still need to put pictures/glass on the tops)
lined with felt.
now all I need to do is fill them with the handmade jewelry I promised them.
Acrylic painting of poppies on 16x40" canvas, for my parents.
Before (well about half way through):
Please excuse the terrible mess...
eric was my progress photographer
They hung it above their fireplace, I'll post a picture of that some day.
They have a red couches and warm neutrals in their family room, I think it matches quite well.
Felt ornaments for a couple of my friends
owl & ninja
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Christmas cookie time at Mom & Dad's
amanda was a real big help.
eric being the photographer again.
amanda's gay pride cookie
my barbie snowman
long night's work!
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12.23.10 - 1 year engaged! & Visiting with close friends.
Sadly, I didn't get any pictures with heather this night, we made up for it another day though! We exchanged gifts that night, I gave her the owl ornament (she is in love with owls) and a bottle of Michigan wine that she has been deprived of since moving to South Carolina. She gave me the most darling Christmas present, I'm kicking myself for not taking a picture of it before Eric and I both dived into the homemade deliciousness. Luckily she took fabulous photos of them. You can see her whole post about them here. She's amazing.
boys will be boys
heather's babies. elsie snuggled behind cleo. eric tucked them in for the night. so sweet.
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Christmas Eve!
Celebrated with Eric's family during the first part of the day. Watching my soon to be niece and nephew open their presents was great. I wish there were more little ones in my family.
Then it was off to my Grandpa & Nana's (mom's side) This side of my family is super fun and goofy. We play games, exchange 'White Elephant' presents, and drink Grandpa's famous Grasshoppers!
During white elephant, dad cheated and picked a present that he knew was cookies and candy. guess who I get my sweet tooth from... :)
eric opening his white elephant...
He got a santa!
Uncle Gordie drinking an infamous grasshopper!
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Christmas Day!
Eric and I stayed the night at my parents so we could wake up with them and my sister. We were totally spoiled. From there we spent the rest of the day at my Grandmother's. I love our family traditions.
Eric and dad both got remote control helicopters. By far their favorite gift I think, they played with them all day long like 12 year old boys...
ellie wasn't quite so sure about those strange birds flying around the family room.
christmas is by far gus gus' favorite holiday.
mom & amanda
eric's "pilot" outfit...
There's something magical about Grammy's Christmas tree.
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12.26.10 Girls Night in Davisburg
I have some awesome girl friends from elementary school and some from middle school. I'm so happy we keep in touch because when we do get together... it's so much fun.
claire was one of my first best friends when I moved to Davisburg. going on 14 years!. . . . .
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Last but not least. I got to spend a day with lovely miss heather before she left to go back home in SC. I miss her all over again. I have to wait until my wedding to see her again, I'm not sure if I'll make it!
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PHEWWW! That was a blogging marathon!
2010 ended very well, but I'm extremely excited for 2011!